Finding Pocket Monsters music is hard to do. There are only a handful of sites with discographies, fewer with reliable translations, and an extrordinary few that actually have music to download. Here are some of the sites that I'm rather indebted to for the information their site provided in some way. There are also a few sites that didn't really help, but that after stumbling on thought should be linked.
Important Sites (aka: go here now, or I will pound you! =)) - This site is home to 'PMO' or 'Pocket Monsters Onegai', which translates to Pocket Monsters Please!! Basically, they're trying to come up with 3,000 'signitures' saying that you want to have subtitled Pokemon. Pretty much every other anime has a subtitle with the original Japanese, and we want the same for Pokemon. It's the same place that I have linked in the image directly to the right, and is a worthwhile cause. GIVE ME MY JAPANESE POKEMON!!!
Link-Exchanges (aka: sites that were kind enough to link to me =))
Kokowa Dokoda - The awesome webmistress at Kokowa Dokoda supplied me with the Birth Of Mewtwo tracks that I have, and I'm SOOOOOOO very much in her debt :) Definatly worth a checking out, Kokowa Dokoda contains lots of Mewtwo related stuff, including the translation for the BOM CD. - This is my very first link-exchange, and it came from one of my downloaders. A good fanpage maninly centered around Meowth. Nya!!
Good Sites (aka: Neat little corners of the net)
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC - An online japanese dictionary that I rely on heavily. Since I don't know Japanese almost at all (I can read hiragana and mabey 12 kanji :D), this dictionary is a real life saver when trying to translate or transliterate song and album titles.